Cheap Wedding Dress Pay Less On Your Wedding Dress
There is not much of a difference between a cheap wedding dress and an expensive wedding dress except for the price factor. Marriages takes place just once in a lifetime and so none would want to compromise with even the minutest thing. Everyone wants it to be perfect. Though the wedding dress will not be worn from the day of the wedding never ever in one life time but most of the people want to look their best. So, most of the people do not mind spending their hard earned money on their wedding dress. Yet those who are clever brides-to-be usually try to save a major part of the budget.
Marriages are a new beginning for the betrothed husband and wife. Yet they tend to forget that they are entailed to a new beginning, a new start and thus, throw spend on wedding accessories. And this often leads the couple to kick start their new life with huge debt clinging on to them. So why not try to save a major part of your budget by cutting down your expenses wherever you can. You can try to cut down amount that you spend on the wedding dress and that too without compromising on anything. You might have seen an expensive wedding dress that has layers of frills or lace, encrusted pearl bodice etc and got smitten by it.
But you must remember that it is the bride herself that will define beauty in itself and not the dress. So once you realize this, you will know how you can cut down the expenses for your wedding. Your wedding dress may look extensively beautiful with all the frills and the layers but this doesn mean that you need an expensive dress for this. For you can have this kind of frills and layers even in a cheap wedding dress. You can add it to your simple plain wedding dress and make it resemble to an expensive wedding dress.
When you are planning to but your wedding dress, you can simply decide on the cheapest wedding gown and plan to spend much less amount. There are two major reasons for this. First, you can get your wedding dress designed accordingly to your desire and wish. And secondly you will save a major part of your budget and put it to some better use. A plain simple wedding dress may be much more useful than the expensive ones. If you are handy with needles then you can redefine the dress as per your requirements and fancy.
How To Run A Fashion Show For strapless sundresses Prom Dresses
A fashion show intended to showcase prom dresses is different from an ordinary high street fashion show. Not only will it take much longer for models to get into their outfits (which rules out quick changes) but the value and delicacy of the items means that a great deal of care needs to be taken.
Timing your long sleeve dresses show
You need to allow around two minutes per model. This is enough time to walk down the catwalk, pose and walk back down the catwalk.
In terms of back stage timing you need to allow ten minutes for a girl to get a dress on for which she will need at least one helper.
If you can, its great to have male models accompany your female models down the catwalk. A local hire company may pink one shoulder dress be willing to lend you suits if you give them a call.
Ask someone with good presenting skills to compere the show. Their role will be to announce the name of the model and give a commentary about the dress that they are wearing. For example 'This is Amy, she is wearing Bella, one of our pink prom dresses. This dress features stunning genuine crystal beading with a flowing tulle skirt'.
You should provide your compere with a script for each model/dress. This script should be organised in the same running order as the show.
You should choose music which is both popular with the students in the show and appropriate for the occasion. Pay attention to the bpm (beats per minute) of the music. Your models will walk in time to the music and if the beat's too fast they may end up half jogging down the catwalk (ruining your timings!).
Vet all music before hand to ensure that it doesn contain expletives.
Walk Through
It a good idea to have a walk though of your fashion show. While it is common to do a full dress rehearsal (wearing all the outfits), you should think carefully about doing this. Every time a prom dress is handled it runs the risk of being damaged. It is therefore not advisable to do a full Louis Vuitton Belt dress rehearsal.

Backstage help
You will need at least one person to help when a girl is trying to get into her dress. If you can stagger the girls putting on their dresses then you won't need as many helpers.
You also need a stage manager and an assistant stage manager. Both of these people should have a clipboard with details of the order in which the girls will go down the catwalk.
The stage manager stands in the wings and is responsible for ensuring that the right people go on stage at the right time.
It is there responsibility to make sure the girl starts putting the dress on in time and to make sure she is down in time. They need to be female so they can go into changing rooms.
Changing rooms
Ideally you need two rooms close to the stage. At least one needs to ensure privacy.
As prom dresses are worth hundreds of pounds each it is important to ensure they will not get damaged in the course of a fashion show.
One way to ensure that this doesn't happen is by ensuring that no food, drink or make up is allowed into the changing rooms. Only the girls themselves and people helping them to get ready should be allowed in the changing room.
Ask girls to take responsibility for dresses
Begin by explaining to the girls involved that they will be personally responsible for taking care of their dresses. Each girl should formally 'sign out' the dress when she takes it off the rack. At the end of the show, someone needs to be appointed to check the dresses back on to the rail. A girl's name should only be checked off the list when they have brought their dress back.

Enjoy it!
Running a fashion show can be great fun so finally, have a great time!